There are times when I know I should do this or that, but they slip away. Duty calls, friendships fall and then in the days end there is much still left undone.
I can't be there to stop the world. I can only choose my battles. The world is bigger than I am and I remain outnumbered by them all.
Pulling me here and pushing me there, I sometimes just find that like a deer in the headlights I stand blankly and stare.
My human side is defined by my beating heart. The callouses on my feet and hands. The ones I am responsible for. When I look away for a moment I can sometimes see my reflection and stand content in my image. Sometimes I am happy, truly happy at how I have evolved and turned out.
Other times I avoid the reflection and listen to the crashes of my falling self esteem when met with un-finished business.
Exhausted at times and fearful and worried drains my powers and light. Eating becomes tedious, Sleeping is not long enough. Days are too short. Breezes are too few.
Once a hug made the energy wax. I have to chase a hug from my underlings now. Either they are too busy or off on their own quests or I am off fighting the good fight. Leaving them to manage their world and learn and grow.
Growing up is over-rated. There isn't a manual that guides us and warns us or helps us trouble shoot.
When our heart breaks is alarming. Had we listened would it have hurt anymore or any less? When we break others' hearts, it still hurts us. Can't hide those pieces of our souls. It all comes out in the wash.
Learning to think slowly about the day's agenda. Be a reasonable superhero. Flying at a reasonable speed and at a reasonable altitude often is difficult. Knowing which fight, which superhero feat is next. Weighing them out and choosing them wisely. There are other superheros to help in the battle!