Thinking of the idea that I have been here before is not unusual for me. What is unusual is the "ah ha" moment when that Deja vu is explained in meeting with someone who is evidently a part of our soul's plan this time around. This happens when I realize that there is something unique about a person I have met and or worked with and there is a recognition of sorts that my soul makes. The belief in reincarnation is one I hadn't given much credit to ten years ago. Now I am blessed enough to work with people that actually seek out time with me to do Past Life Regressions (PLR) to identify patterns and habits that accompany each of us into each life incarnation.
Some may say it is all baloney and minimalize the larger message such a hypnosis session brings. One can not explain the knowing that comes to individuals about a historical event, a foreign language never learned or geographical details unknown in this current lifetime.
What is more intriguing to me is to go back further past a recent PLR with an individual and explore the souls' path and mission. Asking the infamous questions like, "Why me?", "What was I thinking when I thought I was strong enough to endure such a life?" are the head shaking parts of our current life that leaves us asking for reasons and rhyme to this crazy dance of a life. I like to think of it as stopping and asking for directions in a town you have been to more than a few times. We know the way but for some reason have forgotten it. When we ask these questions all we are really trying to do is see the bigger picture of purpose in our toils and troubles. Getting the reason for the struggle, the war, the crisis and the pain. Somehow our humanity thrives on reasons for everything. Our brains are hard wired for reason and order. As infants our first indicator of order is facial pattern recognition. Figuring out if we have seen that person before and is it the same as the person who cares for me or not. We then are taught to recognize voice and speech patterns, to color sort and size every bit of information that comes to us in multiple modalities such as vision, listening, tasting, touching, and smelling. Our brains learn at a rapid rate to categorize all of our experiences and store them for future recall and reference. We know this from studying the brain development of infants and language mapping research. Thus with knowing all this we can not recall a past life while in our present consciousness. It remains a mystery and is shunned as something that is taboo. knowing all about ourselves is left up to a God. Knowing about us is our divine right and to take advantage of the patterns our souls present, is in a way, an entitlement to the cosmos.
Sometimes people say, "you look so familiar to me and I can't figure out where I know you from!" or "Something just clicked when we met!" These things are in our life by no accident. My belief is that we must have made an agreement, a soul's agreement to be in each other's lives even if for a fleeting portion of it. This is when we have to sit up and take note and ask ourselves, "what is the message in this path crossing?", "who is this person to me?" and I wonder how we are connected?". Some of our soul agreements are made to teach each other, some are made to remind us of our divinity and the divinity of the universe and soul! Our greatest lessons come to us delivered by a soul that was in agreement to deliver an experience, or knowing and to remind us of the big picture of our progress as a human but more importantly, to bring us to appreciate our higher purpose and evolution.
Reflect on the people in your life. Reflect on the lessons they have taught you. Think about what that conversation might have been before this incarnation to create such an event or experience. Who are your exes and who are your enemies? Who are your children and loved ones? What is their purpose? What is their message to you or yours to them? When we can acknowledge the purpose of people in our journey we can thank them for their gifts, lessons and presence. Even the painful lessons of hurt, betrayal and shame are equally as important as the joyful ones.
Think about the people who call you up and check on you. Being mindful of your soul and your trials is immeasurable to anyone in a dark or struggling place. Then when this rodeo is finished we can meet again on the other side and high five even chest bump each other to say "Thanks for being in my life, we rocked it!"
Friday, August 1, 2014
Electric Soul!
I can't sleep. Every muscle is jumping and my mind is racing. I want to sleep and to escape my mind today. Yes there are things so deeply moving inside me that I am screaming to rest. I am wondering if this is self imposed or an action from God and the Universe! What am I supposed to make of this? When I close my eyes in longing for mental rest, I see visions of people and things. They feel random to me and feel not at all connected to me in the moment. As if I am watching a darkly lit screen of something on television in my head.
I long for a cup of coffee. I long for a normal easy calm life. I long for a worry-free life and companionship that is simple. I am nothing close to any of those longings. I am so in my head it hurts. I feel everything in the Universe in my own body. I can't watch television because the news hurts me. It hurts to see the pain and suffering in the world, the crime and corruption. It hurts to see people suffer and to feel other people emotions. I can't watch scary or sad movies. I can't see blood and horror. It is all too painful for me to experience. I feel it so intensely that I have to run from it. As a super Cancerian, empathic, psychic intuitive, I am too fragile in that way. I am physically feeling things that are happening to others. In a way it feels so intense that I wonder if it is like having the diagnosis of Autism spectrum disorder but that of a psychic! It is maddening most days. Especially if I am alone with it. I know that getting out and about is one cure to making it quiet down. I want to know how to tame it and discipline this power of mine. Sometimes it feels unruly like a puppy without any direction. Other times it feels like someone turned on a fire hydrant and my mind and body are trying to manage the force of the things I am feeling, seeing and knowing.
I am not hungry and food feels too laborious to be bothered with. Cooking is really only a social activity to me. Although I love cooking I go through super sensitive days not wanting anything except water and herbal tea. If I could leave my house I would go outside and pick dandelion leaves and make that into a tea. Perhaps with the current energies I might be able to do just that later.
On days like these I wouldn't dream of going to Walmart or even the grocery store for any necessities! The energy level of the world is too intense to even sit in the parking lots of such places.
I wonder what it would be like to be in a intimate relationship while being this sensitive. I honestly don't think I am suitable for an intimate relationship when I have the amp-age of the world going through my veins and head! I know it feels safest to stay in my room. Imagine how it felt to be in this form and having to go teach children with multiple disabilities in a preschool classroom! Being among the neediest creatures on earth is often so intense it would make me breakdown and cry! Some days feel un-survivable!
Reeling myself back in one moment at a time, giving in to my humanity is daunting. Can't we just be who we are as souls and not have to learn the capacity of this human shell in lifetime? It feels so restrictive, so limiting. I long for stillness and rest. Sleep is the escape. There are no ways to avoid today's energy and impact. Careening down hill at inevitable speeds and feeling the impact before one hits the wall. No numbing out this day!
I long for a cup of coffee. I long for a normal easy calm life. I long for a worry-free life and companionship that is simple. I am nothing close to any of those longings. I am so in my head it hurts. I feel everything in the Universe in my own body. I can't watch television because the news hurts me. It hurts to see the pain and suffering in the world, the crime and corruption. It hurts to see people suffer and to feel other people emotions. I can't watch scary or sad movies. I can't see blood and horror. It is all too painful for me to experience. I feel it so intensely that I have to run from it. As a super Cancerian, empathic, psychic intuitive, I am too fragile in that way. I am physically feeling things that are happening to others. In a way it feels so intense that I wonder if it is like having the diagnosis of Autism spectrum disorder but that of a psychic! It is maddening most days. Especially if I am alone with it. I know that getting out and about is one cure to making it quiet down. I want to know how to tame it and discipline this power of mine. Sometimes it feels unruly like a puppy without any direction. Other times it feels like someone turned on a fire hydrant and my mind and body are trying to manage the force of the things I am feeling, seeing and knowing.

On days like these I wouldn't dream of going to Walmart or even the grocery store for any necessities! The energy level of the world is too intense to even sit in the parking lots of such places.
I wonder what it would be like to be in a intimate relationship while being this sensitive. I honestly don't think I am suitable for an intimate relationship when I have the amp-age of the world going through my veins and head! I know it feels safest to stay in my room. Imagine how it felt to be in this form and having to go teach children with multiple disabilities in a preschool classroom! Being among the neediest creatures on earth is often so intense it would make me breakdown and cry! Some days feel un-survivable!
Reeling myself back in one moment at a time, giving in to my humanity is daunting. Can't we just be who we are as souls and not have to learn the capacity of this human shell in lifetime? It feels so restrictive, so limiting. I long for stillness and rest. Sleep is the escape. There are no ways to avoid today's energy and impact. Careening down hill at inevitable speeds and feeling the impact before one hits the wall. No numbing out this day!
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