So here we go. Taking the leap of faith. Knowing I am just one step away from the dreams of my heart and the design of my life and soul.
I remember my Mom telling me to "Fish or cut bait", "Shit or get off the pot", "Move it or lose it". She was raised by parents who were farmers and the wisdom of idioms were readily shared from their generation to ours and now on to my own children. It was always so powerful of a feeling to understand my Mom's idioms and wisdom. When I got it I felt like a genius. I can hear her telling me that it will be okay, better than okay, if I would just get up, "pull myself up by my bootstraps" and get moving. At this age, I cherish this insight and the resonating voice of my mother in my head at times like this. I see my Mom's hand when I touch my children and serve them. I hear my Mom's words come out of my mouth. I can feel her hug when I am fearful. How powerful, how personal, how intimate.
So here goes, the leap of faith. Taking a deep breath and knowing the water might be cold, the fall might be scary, I might be a bit disoriented when I land but, it all will work out. I am grateful for this knowledge. I am sure there will be a story to tell someday about the adventure. Something I can embellish for my grand kids and to relish for my own accomplishments.
I am closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. Ready, set, go! I am leaping into my choices and into my hearts dream. There is much I am feeling.
Thanks Mom! I hope my children can see the faith and feel the legacy and know the power that they hold. I am grateful for the opportunity to create, live and leap! Yeee Haaaw!
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