In my daily behavior today...much different from many other day this year, I am seeing folks post their thanks and gratitude for the positive things and people in their lives. I too followed suit in posting one to the people in my personal life that held great space for me in this past year of growth. Now I want to make sure nothing goes unmentioned, no not just the good things, positive people and shinning moments but, the dark hours and painful scary moments that lurked in this past year. The things I wanted to forget because of the heartache, pain, shame or anxiety they have gifted me with this past year. Yes, those monsters in my closet. The ones I won't share with the people that I keep at arms distance or those who might use them against me just to see me squirm. Some might say this has been a difficult year or one that drew upon my greatest strengths and talents. These are the very things that have catapulted me into the space of self discovery and awareness that has honed me into the woman I am at this very moment. All of this honor and gratitude goes to the glory of universe and the agreements in the path I have embarked upon!

Thank you for the February heart ache that made my eyes open to the divine humanity I gave to someone I loved.
Thank you for the reminder of my humanity in being a parent to my four wonderful children, they have kept me in balance and reminded me and encouraged me to believe in myself when I felt unworthy of love.
Thank you for the gift and knowledge of the divine agreements we make with our creator to fulfill the mission of our design here on earth. I have felt my mantle and mission were too big to bear. I was frightened by the magnitude and responsibilities that came with it. They were sharp and prickly to handle without gloves.Thank you for the understanding of the grand design of numerology and especially my gift. As exciting as it was to learn about, it was more frightening to trust myself and my skills.
Thank you for he trials of choosing health and seating through my heart aches in the gym and in my daily life. I forgot how terrifying owning my own power was.
Thank you for the lesson in humanity of falling on my face in October to get a massive concussion and broken nose. This has shown me the power of shame, the torment of guilt and especially the strength in picking myself back up and brushing myself off.
Thank you for the lesson of lost trust and gained trust in the things seen and unseen. Those have hurt the most. I have felt lost and found all within a singular experience of looking into the soul of mankind.
Thank you for the loss of friends so that I can make room for the friends of higher vibration and enlightenment. Those moments of loss made me ache and cry yet held me open for the right kind of guides to get me where I am today.
Thank you for the fear that the economy failures and political short comings of my nation, as dark and dreary they appeared, I have felt an underlying sense of security in the unseen and faith of a soul.
Thank you for the ability to define and be aware of the darkness of humankind, while forgiving their fragility despite how much it hurt me.
Thank you for allowing me to see and feel my dark side.
Beautifully stated and thank you for sharing.