At this point in a deep Mercury Retrograde, one has to ask themselves the million dollar question! "Is it Happy Hour yet?" Surely we have been waiting lifetimes to this point enduring all the changes and evolutions. Finding courage to face yet another place to sit tight and accept the evolution of our souls and our Universe.

In the past five years I have sat through some pretty stressful pieces to my own evolution. Shedding my skin, shedding my fears and woes. Feeling that tender new skin that is fragile and strong all in the same flash of knowing. This kind of shedding is beautiful and yet painfully powerful. Does the snake and other creatures laugh their way through their own shedding at the end of the season? Does the mechanics of the laugh help the old skin shake loose and allow for the air to make contact with the new fragile skin new to the breath? Are we much like that kind of shedding in this Mercurial biding of what is easy and known and what is instrumentally a habit of our humanity? Isn't it so much easier to put on the old skin like a favorite pair of shoes. Unfit for wear or for the journey ahead of us, this skin must be tossed aside. Did you hear a giggle? I heard something, but am unsure of what it was. It might have been a cry of longing for the familiar and easy. Was it a soulful lament for the days that were predictable? Now I am listening. Acutely aware. Is my soul aching or singing or both? I know much of the journey and the trials and now it is the time of rebirth. New skin. Taking on the joy of newness and shape of happy. Giggling with joy, happy in my element, finding the freshness of the fragility joyful. Wondrous and still sensitive. I am new and I am evolving to the level of me that is beyond capacity to predict. Show me some skin, Show me some joy! Show me some sensitivity, show me your happy spot, that sweet spot of vulnerability to your own humanity and our Universal evolution of time and space. Who you were yesterday, you will never be again! Who you are today is just a small fraction of what you will become to me, to yourself, and to the world. Make it better, brighter, more real, more raw and more larger than life! You are larger than life on earth! That is your comfort!

Here is our joy. Here is our happy! It is indeed happy hour! I will look around me today and the coming days to find others in the same fragile state of evolution. Mercurial shedding with a heaping tablespoon of Plutonic seasoning! I know you are out there oh fragile ones! I will find you and be drawn to you like the flecks of iron in the sand to a magnet of proportional power! I will find joy in your presence, like mindedness of change. Forever seeking to love and experience the humanity of our purpose. Teacher is the student and student is the teacher. I know if I could but hear the butterfly whisper a laugh when it escapes painfully from the chrysalis, I would recognize my own voice in the Universe.

I am here right now in this moment in time and feeling the presence of my own soul in the vastness and dark and dreary world. Laughing my way into the happy hour of my new fragile strength. Searching, ever searching for the new skinned creatures of this time.
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