Dear Santa,
For days I have felt the need to sit and write to you and share of my wishes. My life raced, went up hill and down hill on a daily basis and yet I couldn't get my butt in the chair long enough and quiet enough to get this note to you.
Instead of asking for anything in this letter as in years past, I want to list so much what I am thankful for. Maybe just once I won't ask for anything but will acknowledge all that the miracles have afforded me.
Santa, thank you for all the trials and scrapes of this past year. They are so precious to me that I wouldn't trade them for anyone else's! I now have inside jokes with my children about the most darkest parts of the year and the stupidest things that I said. Being a completely imperfect human and parent is a gift. Thank you for the humility that has come from those lessons and my journey.
Thank you for the remarkable children, they are turning out quite nicely despite me and their genetics! So grateful that I am blessed with three girls and one boy. As a woman it is always nice to be surrounded by other females that share some of the most vulnerable pieces of your life and know you so intrinsically! Smart, brave, beautiful and daring, they all have their special powers that only the Amazonian women can command! Brains, beauty and kindness with a spoonful of compassion upon me while I lead the way through this dark and dreary world. A special thanks at the idea that my girls have grown into my size of clothes! I can now borrow their things equally as they borrow mine! Ahh there is a payback for all those years of dress up to have prepared us to share our closets!
Thanks to that boy of mine, he has made me smile and cry all in the same breath! Who would have thought that we would be where are today all because of the sweet little eyes that pierced my heart on the living room floor that fateful day in a small humble foster home in Sumner! He is a giant among Amazons! He breaks my heart and makes me ask for more everyday because he is salty, sweet and crunchy in how he lives each moment in our family. He amazes me with the things he says. Yet fated at birth to be voiceless and soundless, he speaks and sounds like he owns every room he steps into.
Thankful to my parents and siblings. Mindful of your imprint on me. Careful to preserve your memory in my heart when we can't be together. There is much undone and wondrous in our roots and wings. Thank you for your support and kind prayers in my trials.
Thankful my friends, you have stepped into a whirlwind of what I can call my life. You have held me up in my stormy moments and spoke to me from the sidelines. It has been something to get to this place. To feel a spiritual difference each year as I look back. I am thankful for the gifts of love, spirit and guidance I have been given.
Actually all of these gifts and gratitude have been priceless and money can't buy. There isn't a price for the gracious friendship, guidance, support, prayers and love that I have been given! They can't be wrapped or put into a box. I can only hope that they are passed on to others in the same spirit of giving.
Santa, a big hug and thumbs up to you in this years gifts! Thank you for believing in me! Thank you for the Universal love!
Wonder WomAnn
p.s. Next year I could really use a Amazonian tropical island vacation! (In my invisible jet of course!)