Now inflamed and irritated. I found dwelling on it only made it worse for me. Each second was more painful and becoming increasing more irritating. I felt as if someone had tricked me. I felt as if someone had made a fool of me. I missed the clue and now am paying for the ignorance and innocence. My anger and frustration turned into stoicism. I was tough, I could handle it. Endure the heartache once more, the inconvenient frustration, the darkening sadness was palatable in a moment.
Did I do something to deserve this? What kind of choice did I make in this? Conscious or unconscious. Who would have known that I am highly allergic to the point of distress? Not I.
Like pepper absorbed into my skin. It burned all the way deep into my heart and into my mind. I was sad, mad, frustrated, hurt and puzzled. Who would be so cruel to do such a thing? How could I alleviate the pain and irritation. The sadness and madness were over-whelming and consuming. My heart was aching as each minute went by and each breathe escaped my mouth. The allergic reaction had reached a crucial point like that of a serpent's bite. Parts of me were shutting down, extremities were numbing and loosing senses. How could I have been so ridiculously stupid to experience this again? I was lost in the pain and and sadness. I needed to breathe and find my center. To let the reaction take its course and allow me "to ride the tide".
Wasn't there a way to remedy this? Finding another pain was always the course of action, distract myself from the symptom, avoid the diagnosis. I remember telling myself that "this was nothing" compared to the last time I had I has such an allergic reaction. How easily I had forgotten the previous pain and gut wrenching aches and sadness. I had opened my heart to the caustic possibility of another love.

The inflammation is reducing its presence on my soul. I am reminded that this time I should be wary. Keep them at an arm's distance. Until a point, at which I will know, to let that heart forget its allergies and history of heartaches and pain. This is my antidote, my saving balm, pouring my heart out and rebuilding it again.
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