Then this funny thing happened. I woke up! I was dreaming. Having a complete sense of clarity in the dream state had been such a relief. A refreshing break from this earth life. A fragment of time and space when everything seems so clear actually slipped right through my fingers.
Whatever it is that is happening is still happening. I can't name it, but I can feel it, smell it and taste it. I can, in every moment of my day. That transformation of my life to become a better life, a better me!
I think that I know the recipe, the time required should be shorter than prescribed but I am being patient. I have collected the necessary ingredients. They are accounted for and are making the seasoning right. I can feel the warmth around the concept. It is brewing in my heart and in my soul. Patience is a virtue. Experience is the teacher.
I wonder how it will turn out how it will work out and what pieces will move next in the molecular structure of what is to become my life. Anxious and excited. I am not allowing myself to think about the negatives, the sad, the problematic things. I am focusing on the dream, the positive and the journey. Too many years of self talk has kept me standing still. Frightened to move. Paralyzed to act. Having enough, knowing enough, being enough. Silly ol' self. I had it in me all along and now it is there is the mirror. Looking right back at me. I can see me and know that it is good, knowing, feeling and alive. It is all there just for me to have, to share, to create and to expand.
I used to worry a great deal about what others thought of me and their perspectives mattered a great deal. I worried about not measuring up to some ideal. I know it was a false ideal and it would have never been something I could have achieved because it wasn't my ideal.
So the recipe stands, ingredients added, temperature rising and time is passing. Just waiting on the results. I can smell it, I can imagine how it will taste and how it will feel. I am looking forward to it completion and the chance to know, feel and live this flavorful next meal.
Grateful for all that I have, all that I am and for what is to come next!
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