So juggling was under-rated in my view until recently. I realized that much of my life requires a PhD in juggling. Juggling kids, work, home, crisis, friends, dating etc. I used to think the kids in high school who could juggle were nerds. Later in college drinking with friends I thought juggling was hilarious and just a party trick.
Now look at life, just juggling things hour by hour. Drive here, stop there, call this person, answer that email, what's for dinner?, we are out of peanut butter! Sigh!
Realizing the world turns and i am walking across it's face while juggling more balls than i know what to do with is somewhat daunting!
So juggling is truly an art to me now, knowing what I know. The other part of this wonderment is the "Lot's 'O Balls!" piece. The proverbial having balls. Guts, stamina and fortitude. I can be truly thankful for the knowledge that I have grown in many ways over the years. More ways than I wanted. Mostly braver. Having the courage to step outside of the box, think outside of the box and more importantly speak outside of the box. I couldn't have done that twenty years ago.
Time passes and I pick up another chance to grow, adding a ball literally to juggle, a ball to know my inner voice to be brave. When one drops i pick up another one, or two or three! Olympic juggling? Perhaps it is all as it should be in this Universe, juggling is our life skill! Getting balls is our requirement.
Thankful to know I juggle better with the lights on.
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