I have been thinking of the heartbreaks in my past and their impact on my life. They have greatly influenced my choices and decisions.
Been in love more than a couple of time before. Just not with the right ones I guess. Made a few more leaps than I should have and tied a knot that was not stable. I have had a broken heart a torn heart and a worn heart. I have had a heart of congestion from worry and stress. I have had a heart that runs like an over-heated engine, too fast and unregulated.
This weekend I discovered that my heart can manifest things of its own power. I have allowed my heart to emit waves, sonic kind of waves to attract a desire. Like a whale calling to its loved ones across the ocean. The heart has the power to send out vibrations of truth to manifest its desire. I didn't realize how powerful it was until I saw the manifestation occur. I was frightened by the result. I shook, trembled. I realized I had manifested the wrong thing for my benefit. How powerful of a waste. All was not wasted as it was a worthy lesson for me. Not just a coincidence.
Does the heart really grow fonder?
Does it truly break? Can it fix the tear, leak or blow out? The human body is designed to heal itself, to regenerate. Can we hear the healing? Isn't it silent, cell by cell, over time? Growing in the dark and light during the day and night?
Here is your heart's desire. Give a piece of your heart. Have a heart to heart. Brave heart, lonely heart, sweetheart,two hearts beating as one.
Is it just an organ, hardwired to function? Does it truly feel? Are we interpreting emotion into it?
Can the Universe feel and hear and sense our heart?
I can think with my heart. Die of a broken heart. Lose heart. Know when my hearts just not into it. Restart my heart. A keeper of hearts. Tender heart, hard heart, cold heart. Still beating heart. Strong heart. Leave my heart. Telltale heart.
Wow just so much to feel and think about. I am grateful for my heartaches. I feel alive in the pain and conscious of my place in the Universe. I am knowing that it is a necessary pain. I know it is a necessary growth. I am careful with my heart today as it has been wounded and it has done much.
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