How is it that animals can howl? They completely understand their utterances. The wolves howl at the moon, into the woods and for each other. The coyotes howl when they are fearful, the dogs howl in harmony to an other's howling. Cat's howl in longing and want. Elk howl for warning and danger. As people, we need to howl now and then. There is great healing in howling. There is a primal piece to the howling ritual.
I love comedy. It allows me to howl in a socially appropriate way. Howling at my sense of what I find funny.
I howl when in pain. It allows my pain to become quiet while my soul focus' my energies on release.
I howl in sadness. When my brother passed, I howl in tears and with tidal waves of cries out loud. At the time it was a good thing that no one could hear me. That was such a private howl.
I howl in anger, coming home to find poop on the wall, on the toilet seat, on the bathroom counter, on my boy's hands, on the floor, on the bathroom rug. That howl frightened my children.
I howl is frustration when the lawn mower won't start, the tire is flat or when I am feeling powerless at the incidents in my life I am unable to problem solve.
Howling at the moon hasn't occurred yet. I am truly ruled by the moon. There is a wonder to the moon. I have not yet found my voice to howl at the moon yet. I am working on the resonating howl that allows me to do just that. Perhaps on my camping trip, that is just what I should do. Perhaps while sitting on my deck, when the fire is burning in the fire pit, then I should abandon the insecurities of my neighborhood association and let it out. Howl at it. Let the moon know I am here, I am listening, I am feeling, I am alive. This will be my signal to the forest, the culture and the ones who listen. From afar and from close by my heart. Yes, there is much howling to be done. Resolving to achieve this, being in the primal place of centered, grounded, aware and alive.
I've got a puppy, can't do any tricks.
Won't come when you call him.
Won't roll over, lick your face, fetch or heel.
But you know that I still love him.
He can howl at the moon with me- Awoooo
The only trick he knows- Aw Woooo
I laugh out loud each time he does it
I love him and it shows.
He can howl at the moon with me
Head thrown back, far as it goes
We'll howl together in close harmony
I love him and I think he knows- Awooooo
Warming up....mi, mi, mi, mi, mi, mi!
My soul loves to howl! I believe in the healing properties of wholehearted howling. Thanks for sharing Ann. Keep up this lovely truth telling. Please! (Ah ooooo!)