Who is that man? The one that knows me and my calendar? The one that puts a spin on each month? The glowing one that draws my energy when I am nearest to him?
He can roll in and out of my life with subtle arrival. When I don't notice his presence I am humbled, puzzled and confused. He gives me the wink. That wink from across the universe that catches my consciousness, that gives me the "Ah- Ha" moment.
He has such power and influence. Such appeal. His impact on my world has been unfathomable.
I remember it the first time I was formally introduced to him. I remember the smells, the temperature, the moment that marked my life as a child.
I was wearing a flannel night gown. It was July 20, 1969. It was my fifth birthday. Yes at the tender age of five, he marked my life. The television was on and there it was.
"That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." Then it was complete. A flag placed in an austere location that would change my life and the life of civilization for an eternity.
Each month goes by with the typical amount of fanfare. Each month is packed with busy-ness. Coming and going, worrying, planning, struggling to predict the future of what I have influence over. The daily hustle becomes a buzz.
Then it happens. That wave of emotion. I am stunned. Stunned at my feelings and my lack of ability to comprehend. I have lost my awareness in the hustle and bustle of my daily running. What sadness, helplessness and that feeling of powerless ability. Thinking in that moment, scrambling to find the root of this feeling. It is just as I had forgotten...that man of mine. That man in the moon. That tether to my heart and soul. The one that sings empathic to my inner most being.
I look upon him. Then it happens as easily as before. Yes,Just one look. Yes, just one moment before the acuity and clarity surfaces. His face is calming to me in the storm of emotions that wrack my soul. A deep breath brings me back. Everywhere on this earth there are billions of souls that are tethered by him. I am not alone. There is a greater power that is minding the universe. I am again at peace in knowing. Reflecting the place I have been and the places I will go. I am grateful, scared and taking my next breath and step.
They say fish gotta swim, and birds gotta fly.
I'm gonna love that man till the day I die.
Can't help lovin' dat man of mine.
They tell me he's lazy, they try to tell me he's slow.
Tell me he's crazy, but maybe I know.
Well, but I just can't help lovin dat man of mine.
Oh, when he goes away, that's a gloomy day.
And when he comes back I know the sun is gonna shine.
He can come home just as late as can be.
'Cause home without a man is just no home to me.
Can't help lovin dat man of mine.
Tugging my heartstrings with his ways. Understanding how my soul feels when I am thinking of the man, the man in the moon.
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