"The really frightening thing about middle age is the knowledge that you'll grow out of it." -Doris Day, (fifties film phenonmenon)
I awoke sore and achey today. Thought to myself for a minute that there must have been something I had done to cause such a thing. Not enough water last night, too much wine, not enough sleep, do I need a new mattress?
I am not old I scream to myself! It is all in my mind! I am only fortyfive years young! I have so much mor eto do with my life! I am not going to entertain these aches I will ignore them. umm, but wait that is also a problem to me. I at all ages have ignored my body's cries for rest and peace and good health. I have chosen to put other people and concept before my own needs. That didn't get me anywhere. Well it did get me someplace...here. Now. Knowing. Sigh! I am listening to my selff and my body today. I hoppe the conversation is good and reception is clear. I want to be better.
I loved the quote. My Dad loves Doris Day. Her and Angie Dickinson.
The photo I found just scouting around. It stung a bit. I don't want to be old and alone. The idea of being alone in my old age is so sad. I know when the kids go I can haunt their neighborhoods and spoil their kids but to be alone...what a drag. I want to adventure and do the other things that are still on my list of things to do. I want to be able to shock and awe my kids and grandkids. I want to travel the world and see, hear smell, taste and share what I have learned and perfected. I don't want to do it alone. Not now or not ever.I am sure being with the right person can make all things better. For now I will experience it alone.
Sometimes there are things that I can just do easier myself for a moment. Not always a two person dance. The music moves on.
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