Have you ever seen a comet? Have you ever felt the presence of a comet in your life? The wonder of something outside of our realm interacting with us without the ability to influence it? Just stand by and watch it buzz through your atmosphere. Knowing its influence on you and your world is likely great or small and infinitely impacting each nerve and neuron.
There are three things that can happen as a result of two objects being pulled toward each other because of gravity:
1. They escape from each other.
2. They crash into each other.
3. They orbit each other.
Watching this happen, knowing the outcome potential, we are destined to wait. Like a birthday, you know it is coming, you anticipate the best, yet no one knows for sure how the strength of the moment will define it. We can think positively and hope that our knowing will influence the outcome.
People are like comets, escaping, crashing or orbiting. We come into each other's lives or orbits to allow for the growth experience.
The speed that we experience this is directly related to the energy we put out and into the moment.
Particles surround each comet, asteroid or meteor. Particles like baggage and suitcases, will change the weather. Particles will change the sunset. Particles will induce thoughts and emotions to the unsuspecting and even to the most suspecting. Still we are not able to predict for the outcome if energy is involved.
This past weekend was like riding a comet. I felt like I was running a million miles an hour, reacting and crashing and avoiding. Not to mention the particles were brilliant. I sit back now and gawk at the tail of the comet. Knowing it is glowing and lighting and changing everything it comes into contact with. What great power to be able to influence such things as time, space and the miracle of humanity. How incredible to see the impact and influence of one rock, a mass of particles, surrounded by energy and dust particles create everything from a ripple effect that will carry on a trillion years into the future. Observe and know even the great influence and impact will change the now and the future. The sunset and our perception of it. The chemistry and our reaction to it. The influence and our receptivity to it. Makes one feel infinitely small and minuscule.
Knowing the power of a particle is in our grasp. The ability to influence and drive even the smallest piece of matter into any one's life is daunting.
Knowing the power of a particle is in our grasp. The ability to influence and drive even the smallest piece of matter into any one's life is daunting.
How do we respond to the energy of each other? Are we seeing this influence? Are we acknowledging the depths and presence of each person? Acknowledging the possible three things that could have happened between us as comets? Taking a deep breath. Knowing what I now can not control. Seeing the piece of energy I can contribute, feeling the grand scheme of the world, life, society and its purpose.
It is a wonder to me. Starring at it. Starring at the people in my life. Seeing their glow.
Sometimes starring is a compliment...even to a comet!
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