There is something to the Chinese Fung Shui concept of clearing, getting rid of things that clutter. Not only does it allow for negative, old unused items to be gotten rid of but it makes space to welcome good, new and better things into our lives. We tend to accumulate much on a grander scale than any other country or culture I have ever known. We buy things to hold our things, we buy more things because we think more is better. We collect things because we think we need them. The more we buy, get or collect...the more we want. It makes me remember the two year old that rule of life. What I have is mine, what you have is mine, what I see is mine, what you see is mine and what I am not playing with is mine. Is this where it starts?
So catch and release? You are thinking, "Ann, where are you going with this?". Well many places actually. Catch and release energy, good or bad positive or negative. Catch and release ideas, good or bad, positive or negative. Catch and release memories, loving, hurtful or just the ones that make us think. Is it such that we can only catch? Release is such a terrific thing for me these past two years. I know I used to catch and horde all the energies, emotions and feelings. I now know the beauty of the release. Holding but for a moment. Be in the moment. Learn from the moment. Letting the purpose of the catch(emotions, energy and feelings) be. Serve their purpose, then as needed, release. What a novel idea to release! Why I couldn't or wouldn't was beyond me. Now looking back I see that my skill set wasn't ready or able to release.
The accumulations of things, emotions, energies and feelings have a way of demanding our attention. In purposeful ways. To experience the catch, feel the moment, then hold the experience. Learning while holding if possible. Thinking upon the catch. Knowing the value of it. Feeling its gift and impact. Then comes the hard part...the release. Like the two year old hanging onto the trophy, we relish whatever it was that the catch gave us, good or bad for what ever reason. It is hard to willingly give things up for the idea of release. Fearing the void of what the release may give us. The space of unknown that will be open, empty and wanting. It can be frightening or exciting. The unknown. The empty. It can leaves us second guessing ourselves. Did we need that, will we need that, is that somehow intrinsically good deep down inside? Will it be re-usable? Should we recycle on some level? Will someone else want it? Then the moment of truth comes to us and we must choose to listen to its voice..."should I keep it or get rid of it?". Is it the smell, the feel or the emotion starting to stink? Can we sustain the life of the catch to remain in its perfect original condition? Now for so much processing a small jolt of energy can cause us to release our grasp be it emotional or physical. Deep breath! And exhale...Release!
Making space. Making space is just that. Creating! Creating the possibilities for more of something. More emotions, things, feelings. Is more better? Is it scarier? Do we really want more? Is this the two year old wanting more? Wanting what is mine? Or just doing what comes to us in our journey of life...Catch and Release! Ahhhh! I must clean out the freezer of fish and catch some new ones. Salmon for dinner tonight!
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