At the onset of the morning I am greeted witht he challenge to remember my dreams. I have spent great efforts to remember them to journal them but am finding that one word descriptions can not capture the events places and action in my dreams. This week the themes were similar. Places of strange architechure, people I don't remember knowing and comments that were random and unrelated to my now. So the test for me is to remember the similarities and hope the clarity will come to me.
It rained through the night. The comfort the sound of the rain gives me is better than the sound of the surf. Lucky to be in the northwest where that comfort is plentiful and not threatening as it was in the midwest. Sound marks time in my mind. I can let it slip by if I am not listening. Knowing the night is passing when it rains is comforting but sad when I want more sleep, more rest and more escape. Today is feeling like a blue jean day. Saddly I can not wear blue jeans to work today. A denim skirt will be the closest thing. The feel of blue jeans is also a comfort. I will save that for another day's blog.
Hi Ho Hi Ho It's off to work I go!
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