It actually worked. They are in school. Thanks be to the public school system! nervous first day jitters. Breathing through it is the best answer. "Don't worry everyone else is going through the same feelings." "It is not as bad as you think it is." "It will fly by in no time."
New gear, new fear. First day of High school, first day of eighth grade and the first day of his last year of preschool. New teachers and new bus drivers. New kids and new routines. Did they brush their teeth? Did I send the right stuff with them?
Say a prayer for the kids. Say a prayer for the teachers and bus drivers. Know this is all part of their journey. Theirs and ours. We came here to learn, conquer and dominate. What a great adventure!
I forgot to tell them something before they left to the adventure...How proud I am of who they have become and who they are becoming. I am grateful. Grateful they are my children, I am grateful they are in school and not me! Tonight's dinner table topics will be rapid fire. I need my double chocolate espresso to help me stay ahead of their chatter. Sigh! Now what to cook for dinner? It is never ending! Never a dull moment. Keeping in line, I will make this day a great one! Breathing though it!
Well put and stated, straight from the heart:)